“Angels are the messengers of hope, delivering messages of encouragement and reminding us to never give up.”

Maduin. Dynamis. CST.

"I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel."
NSFW warning~ ♥



Old Enough

She / Her


Rules of Contact

“Angels remind us that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to choose love over fear.”


Yes I am a real Female. Please don't bug me about it.
I'm English. Please don't use other languages.. I'll look at you funny.
I love the color pink.
Wolf is my animal.
Yes, I do have Snapchat, and Facebook. No you can't have them.
I write poems and I read.
Other than that, you don't really need to know.
**Any More?**
I can be the sweetest person you meet or the weirdest. Do you take the risk?


Discord. Zonneschijn
Twitter. @FFXIV_Ray

   About Ray.   

About the Creator
Please follow the button down below in order to see more about Ray.


Respect is a big thing. If you don't have it please don't approach me. Everything I do is based on treating everyone equal.I rather someone be true to themselves and not make something up to be in my good graces.Be unique, be interesting and please write more than a sentence at a time.


Do not expect me to devote all my attention to you. I have many things to do in a day such as work, and be an adult. I also will not devote time to just give you constant attention.Treat me like a human being and I will do the same to you.


I also love gposing. Please keep this in mind. I take pictures of my character in character.I will never put my character in place of my IRL. If you do this to me, I will block you.Please do not take that me doing pictures means that I will be doing free pictures for you as well. I give back what I give.Just because I gpose with you, DOESN'T mean I want to be with you/ your character.


“Angels remind us that even in the midst of chaos, there is always a higher plan at work.”

  name.    Ela Mii
  age.    Unknown
  race.    Angel
   nameday     4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
   guarding deity.     Thaliak, The Scholar
  gender.     Female
  pronouns.     She/Her
  sexuality.     Bi-Curious.
Male leaning.

  height.     Smoll
  body shape.     Petite with curves
  hair color.     Rose gold with white highlights
  eye color.     Pink and white.
  skin tone.     Pale tan
  notable features.     Her pink oni horns and her elf ears. She also has one marking on her chest right above the heart of wings and a halo

  job occupation.    Ex employed at the Tree of Light. Now full time adventurer
  place of origin.     Tree of Light
  home.    Eorzea
  affiliation.     High Tree
  family.     None that associate with her anymore.
  marital status.     Single

  likes.     PINK. Sunshine, rainbows, magic, dancing, music
  dislikes.     Bad hair days.
  virtues.     Live in the moment, and learn everything you can - Be positive about everything.
  flaws.     Doesn't believe bad things exist. Thinks cursing is normal due to being observing moral behavior and a demons.
Doesn't know Sexual advances

- Naïve
- Gullible
- Always positive
- Easily excitable
- Don't believe there is bad in the world.
- Oblivious to all hidden evils in the world, and to pretty much anything.
- Sees the best in every kind of situation
- Knowledgeable with weapons and magic.
- Bad with social ques.

headcanon one. Fallen Angel
Turned from her way of life, and forced to learn that their is evil in the world. Instead of hiding or fighting the desires of the Moral Realm, she embraces and the feel good in everything. "If it feels good, it can't be bad.
headcanon two. Yet to be determined

ability one. She has a lot of power that is actually stored into her being.- Very powerful.
ability two. Ability to fly. She doesn't like to do this, and yes she does have wings that form.

  Health.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔 ♡ ♡ ♡
  Strength.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔
  Tenacity.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔
  Stamina.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔
  Intelligence.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔 ♡ ♡ ♡
  Dexterity.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔
  Perception.     🎔🎔🎔 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
  Charisma.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔 ♡ ♡
  Empathy.     🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
  Common Sense.   🎔 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
  Power Level   🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔

   Key Items:.   

Important Items commonly found on her person.

     Magic Pouch     
A small pouch that is hidden well on her body. Never actually seen, but always there. The infinity pouch to hold anything and everything. Organized to get anything out at a moments notice, she keeps well stocked. Never to be unprepared.

     Spell Book     
White magic, Dark magic, defense and offence. The book comes in handy when learning all new spells. Keeps track of anything and everything she comes in contact with. She knows everything that a person may already know or will learn with the magic spell book that records of its own. Pages blank to those that are not the owner.

Though rarely used, she has a habit for making potions and storing them in her pouch. Never know when you may need a certain kind of poison or antidote..

   Sayings From Ela.   

Some quotes from Ela. Either by thought, or by word.

🎔 "If it feels good then it can't be bad"🎔 "Have you seen my demon?"🎔 "Are you a wizard too?"🎔 “Does that mean you love me then?”🎔 "Everything is always better with a smile"🎔 "Wait, did you say meat?"





History and Lore

If it feels good, it can't be bad


The Beginning of an Adventure

  Part 1.  
Once upon a time, as all fairy tales and happy stories begin, there was once a little angel, Ela. To describe this angel would be very simple; beauty, the love of life and being positive about so many things. This angel was so carefree that she never saw what her story would hold.
Though as happy stories go, this wasn’t one that was to be so happy about. See Ela is an angel that got partnered on the Tree of Light with her opposite, Spooki, who is a demon from the Tree of Night. Their job was simple, to hold a balance of good and evil, which in most cases good overtook and won most battles. As time went on, Spooki seemed to get bored of their job and craved more. Ela not thinking much about this, and figured even with all the talk of boredom, Spooki would never do what she did.One fateful morning when it was time to get ready for her duties, Ela put on her soft pink dress, the one she loved so much, brushed her rose gold hair, and sang to herself in the mirror.
“Today is a wonderful day,” her voice carried as she walked to her window, the sun shining bright upon her face, warming her cheeks. She finished getting dressed by slipping on her elegant heels that she seemed to always love to wear, and walked out the door to her cozy little room.
Cheerfully bouncing through the halls to the room where the two sides of the tree met, she would enter with a big smile waiting to greet her opposite, her partner in keeping the world balanced. As the doors open she sees not Spooki, but the Elders, the ones who run the trees together and find who is best suited to work in this room. It was by chance that both Ela and Spooki were chosen, and a high honor in the society. ‘Why are they here?’ She thought to herself. ‘Is there a meeting that was scheduled? I am sure I would have remembered such a meeting.’

“Ela,” boomed the voice of the Light Elder as he motioned for her to come closer and embraced her as all the angels of the light do to show a greeting. Most would call this gesture a hug, and assume that these two were close to each other, however Ela barely knew the Elder, and only met him a few times. One of those being when she got selected with Spooki to run this room.“It has come to our attention that Spooki has gone missing,” He continued after the gentle embrace. Looking over to the other Elder, who looked more or less indifferent to the situation, no smile, frown, just a straight stern look upon his face. Looking back to Ela, he continued, “At this point, because of this, you must leave the Tree.” His voice was not weavering in the last word. Ela didn’t know what was to come or think of them, however she did as she was told, and walked back out of the room.‘Spooki is gone? I wonder where she went, though I have to leave the Tree. I know!’ She continued to think to herself as she walked to her room and grabbed a small bag. ‘I am going to find her! I will bring her back here and then everything will be okay. But where did she go?’ She thought hard about this. As she finished filling her bag with a few of her dresses and other items that she would need she held her head high as she walked to the front of the Trees and out the door. She could feel the eyes on her, however that didn’t bother her. She turned, smiled and waved. Vowing to herself that this is not goodbye, but just goodbye for now.‘Think Ela, think. You are the one that spends most time with Spooki, where would she have gone?’ Thinking to herself as she reached the end of where the Tree’s territory was located. The beginning of Eorzea, a place for the mortals, the ones that the Tree keeps the balance for. Ela has never gone this far, nor even ventured past. ‘The Elder said I had to leave the Tree, he must mean for you to go get Spooki. I can do this! WAIT! She was talking about an artifact! That is right. She said the name of a town also that she was looking at a lot’ Trying to rack her head as she continued onto the land that was now a mortal realm.


Finding Spooki

After some time of walking in a field, the thought came to her mind, ‘Ul’dah!’ The name of the town, she finally remembered,’But how to get there?’ She looked ahead of her and saw a little train station. Smiling to herself she saw this as a new opportunity and a new adventure. ‘I’m coming to get you Spooki, just hang out a little longer. I’ll bring you home!’ Determined to see her demon again, she rushed to the station.
Upon haggling for a bit with the man behind a counter, she finally got a ticket to her destination. Unsure what this “money” he spoke of, but was content with seeing her upper body in exchange for a ticket, she brushed it off and smiled back at him as she got on the train. Waving back to him as a goodbye and a thank you, he looked dazed as he lightly waved back at her. ‘I didn’t know mortals could be so friendly’ She thought to herself as she settled in her seat and watched the window.The train was fast on its own way and Ela watched the scenery fly by the window, mesmerized by the new experience. So many colors of the fields only to have the colors fade to an orange of the desert sand. ‘Why would Spooki come to such a place that has no color?’ She couldn’t help but think, but only curious to what lay ahead for her in this new place.When the train came to a stop, she looked around, the surrounding spaces looked barren and empty, but she put her foot in front of the other and left the train. The heat of the air took her by surprise, as she took a deep breath she saw the towering walls of the city in the distance. Standing tall, she started to walk, her dress flowing in the light breeze around her, she welcomed the cool from the heat of the ground. Coming up to the walls, she saw it was busy, merchants lined the walls, trying to sell a bit of everything, the guards standing at the gates, and people just everywhere. ‘How am I ever going to find Spooki in this mess?’ She thought as she walked in. She caught many people staring at her as she walked through the gates, knowing she wasn’t dressed like anyone there, she smiled, and waved, not thinking much of it.Deciding it was best to ask for help in this kind of situation she decided that everyone would have been too busy to have her ask them. So scoping out the surroundings and the people, she decided the group that was just hanging around laughing was better to ask then the ones that were scurrying around and in a rush. Walking up to them with a bright smile on her face, the group of men looked down at her, some of them looked confused, and others seemed to look at her up and down. Taller than her, due to her small figure, others chuckled, “Hey there, pretty thang, what brings you up over here?” One in the front asked. His voice was rough and coarse, deep and one that would normally scare anyone from.

“I’m looking for my demon, have you by chance seen her come by?” Ela asked in a sweet voice and a smile on her face. Looking at the men, which in this group she counted about seven, and four of them exchanged glances and then looked back down at her. “Well darling, it is your lucky day. We know your demon and how to get her to show herself.” The man said with a sly smile on his face. “Let us show you how to find her,” he continued and motioned to an ally that was located behind him. ‘They know where Spooki is!!! I can’t let this opportunity go to waste!’ Ela thought to herself as she smiled bright and excitedly followed one of the men into the ally while three others followed behind her.The alley was dimly lit from the sunbeams that were hitting the top of the large walls, crates lined the walls, as if waiting for someone to come by and restock. The man led her to a spot, apparently what he deemed appropriate. Turning to face the angel, he smiled at her, “Are you ready to find your demon darling?” His voice caused Ela to get more excited. \’This is it! I get to see her again’ Ela was all but bouncing with excitement as she was being asked. “Oh yes please! I long to see her again.”The men seemed to glance at each other and then back at her. “Alright darling, in order to meet your demon, you are gonna have to lose that pretty dress of yours,” the first man said to her, his voice trying to be soft and sweet to her as he leaned over her body. Ela thought nothing of this ‘I probably have to look like most other people here. Does my dress stand out too much? Am I getting new clothing?’ Her mind starts thinking of all the possibilities, however she smiles up at the man and pulls the ribbon on the back of her dress, letting it fall to her ankles. Not having a wrong thought in her mind, no shame about her naked body standing in front of four men.
The men seem to be in a little shock over the fact the petite girl just willingly dropped her dress and is now nude before them. Ela smiling up at them, “Was the dress too bright? Is my demon here now?” She asks yearning to know more. However the men exchanged glances again to each other and another one stepped forward, a grin covering his face, and looking like he was about to start to drool, his hands reaching out to her body to lift her up on a crate to sit. “You will be meeting your demon very soon,” his voice one of a soft tone, one might call it seductive, however Ela was just thinking it was nice of them to give her a seat.
Looking at the men, some of them were working on undoing their belts, and some just let their pants drop to the ground. Ela was curious about the fact they seemed to have a third stump between their legs. ‘Is that what the other angels called wizards? Are they going to use their wands to summon Spooki? The men moved close to her, putting their hands on her body, moving up and down. ‘They must be using me as a conduit to try to summon her! I shouldn’t interrupt their work then.’ She sat still and let them work on her body, touching her chest, and moving to her legs, a smile still sitting on her face as she looked from their hands on her, to their faces.

“Look how good this little angel is,” one of the men said, as he moved his hand between her legs to her core. “We are definitely going to help you find your demon today.” Ela all but smiled as her only thought was letting the wizards use her as a conduit for summoning Spooki. One man going behind her, pulled on her shoulders to make her lay down, ‘A bit weird to be laying on this crate, but I am used to the wood, and they must be using both to do the summoning right.’ They moved her legs open and one spoke, “Here we go darling,” as he put his wand next to her core and she felt it start to enter her body. ‘So this is how wizards do their magic’ she thought to herself as she felt him enter her.The pain was one that she has never felt before and her body felt tight against his wand, while another came close to her face with his, moving his hand to make her face him. Looking down at her, he smiled and spoke lightly, “Open your mouth.” Doing as she was told, she didn’t want to stop their summoning. ‘They must need more of their magic to touch me. I hope two is enough. These wands are thick and the one in my core is starting to feel strange.’ The man shoved himself deep into her mouth and her eyes went wide looking up to him. The taste was foul and smelled of sweat, but she kept her mouth open, not wanting to disturb the summoning ritual. The two were making some weird noises while rocking into her with their wands. ‘Their spells must be working with the noises they are making’The other two men started to get closer to her, rubbing her body, her chest and her core, only to stop, and pull from her body, looking up at the men, she got confused. ‘Did it work?’ Looking around, she saw no change, so she looked back at the men, and they were smiling at her. One propped himself to sit next to her. “Come,” was all he spoke as he grabbed her arm and pulled him on top of him. Her body being small, made it easy for them to maneuver her to where they wanted, and she felt his wand slide back into her core as she faced the man she was sitting on. From behind she heard one of them snicker as the noise of spit was being put in his hands. Not understanding, she looked at the man she was on top of. “Is it working?” Her voice all but trembled out as she was starting to feel the sensation of fire burning deep within her core. The man behind her all but laughed as she felt a sharp pain enter her from behind.The men rocked her back and forth as she seemed to bounce on their wands. She felt the magic begin to work, it had to be. Her body started to feel so hot, and her mouth was letting out little pants and moans. ‘Who knew magic would feel this good,’ she thought to herself as their noises grew louder and the motions got a lot more rough. The one behind her grabbed at her hips, pulling her down hard on both the wands, suddenly she felt her brain lose any form of thought and a deep pleasure filled her body as warm liquid flowed into her body. Her body went numb as she fell against the man she was on and all she could muster out of her mouth, “Did… did it work?”

The one behind her pulled his wand out of her behind, and grabbed his pants, “Not yet.” he said as he walked out of the way. She noticed that the other two were still there with their wands at the ready. One sat up on the box next to the other man, and the process seemed to repeat itself. Climbing on to the second man, and another from the back. ‘The amount of magic they have to use to summon a demon is incredible’ She thought to herself. This time though, the pain wasn’t there and she was starting to enjoy the sensation of the magic being pushed into her body. Letting her body bounce with the wands being thrusted into her core. Her moans were getting louder and she wanted more of it.At last, she felt herself rise with the wizards and her body felt like it erupted alongside them. She felt the magic shoot into her, and she smiled brightly at the men, who looked like they just had the best thing happen to them. ‘So this is what it looks like to use magic, I should learn how to do this sometime’ She thought to herself as she climbed off the man she was on, and stood. Liquid running down her legs slowly she grabbed her dress from the floor and looked around, just in time to see a purple haired horned demon staring wide eyed at her.

“Spooki!” She screamed and ran over to her long time friend and wrapped her in a embrace. Dress still in hand she looked back to the men that looked as if they saw a ghost, and yelled over to them, “Thank you all so much, you really did help me find my demon!” Looking back at her demon, who looked very angry at the wizards that helped her, she growled down at Ela to put her dress back on and wait around a corner. ‘She must wanna thank the guys properly for helping me summon her’ She thought and nodded and did as she was told, slipping her dress on and waiting patiently for Spooki to come back to her.After what felt like a few moments of what sounded like screams, must have been excitement screams, and then silence, Spooki emerged from the corner, stopping Ela from looking back around it. She had red on her face, hands, clothing and even some in her hair. Ela looked her up and down, “I know you are purple but red suits you too. Have you ever tried changing the color up a bit?” Her voice was soft and sweet, a smile plastered to her face. She couldn’t help but be happy to have found her.


To Be Continued...

Story will continue with more adventures of our lovely Angel ~ ♥

RP Hooks

Many paths appear, but once the way is taken, it must be followed to the end

  Hook 1.   Weapon Master:
She sits watching the swordsmen practicing their trade in the heat of Kugane. She can't help but be tempted to pick up the blade herself, walking over to the sword rack only to feel eyes on the back of her neck. Unable to shake the feeling she brushes it off and picks up a sword nice and sharp, looking over to the men in the practice, smiling sweetly as she stands in line next to them only to mimic their movements, trying to understand why they practice like this.
  Hook 2   Traveler
Bouncing from town to town on the look for adventure, she stops in front of the train she is about to board. Smiling back to the land what she explored and on the way to find a new place once again. Searching for what she has lost yet again, only to dream of something greater in the distance. Climbing on the train and taking her seat in a booth, she digs through the little leather bag she has on her hip, digging out a book about plants and recipes, and letting the sounds of the whistle start the journey
  Hook 3   Angel:
Coming into a world of the unknown she is curious about everything and every smell. Bounding in to the flowers of Il Mheg, she took in the fragrance and vibrant colors of the flowers. Running across the hills, only to trip on the way down and tumble down the hill. At the bottom, she sad, dirt covered and grass stained, sitting up, holding her ankle

   Rules of Play.   

- Please talk to me ahead of trying to rp with me. I will decline to write with someone that I do not talk to prior.
- ERP must be talked about prior. My character is not meant for this kind of RP and will be treated with respect.
-Must have a thought out character (ex: detailed background, personality, and are willing to strive for character development)


- Please talk to me ahead of trying to rp with me. I will decline to write with someone that I do not talk to prior.
- I reserve the right to say NO to writing with anyone.
- Do not expect to become my "Ship."
- I am not looking for romantic interests. If this does form over writing, then me and the person writing will talk about it.
- I will not do ERP with people I am not comfortable with. I am not a one night stand or a sex machine. I will avoid this at all cost.
- God mode - I will avoid anyone with a god complex that think their character is the most powerful being on the planet.
- Anyone that tries to control my character through writing I will be avoiding.


Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Spooki Mori

Partner of the Tree

  summary.     Tree of Night partner. Ela's Demon. Full opposite of Ela.



Random Traveler

  summary.     Met over a bowl of soup and he decided to follow her.


Reika Kami

Amanojaku oni

  summary.     Temptation Oni that is trying to corrupt Ela